
Taxation and custom Duties

Taxation and custom Duties

Taxation and custom Duties

Taxes are universal. Every single adult person deals with matters related to taxation either directly or indirectly. It is ironic that despite its all-pervasive nature, taxation is an area understood by very, very few people. In the field of law as well, tax lawyers are as rare as hens’ teeth. This is because it is a niche area that requires a firm grasp of concepts that go well beyond a lawyer’s typical branch of work. It involves matters of finance, accounting, compliance, and business acumen.

If matters of taxes are not well-handled, businesses, as well as individuals, can find themselves run aground. In Pakistan especially, the Federal Board of Revenue comes hard upon anyone who they suspect of tax fraud or evasion, and so in order to protect yourself and your business, a competent lawyer is an absolute must.

BLC prides itself on a team that is the number one solution to specialized matters of tax that may involve a heavy price.
For routine tax and customs matters, our team can advise and represent in matters relating to corporate taxation, sales tax, income tax, customs duties, coercive recovery by the Federal Board of Revenue, and other local government taxes.